In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year (Pilgrims of Hope), St. Mary’s Cathedral is planning a parish pilgrimage to the Canadian Martyrs' Shrine in Midland, Ontario on Tuesday, July 30, 2024. This historic and holy site includes the famous Shrine Church situated on 75 beautifully landscaped acres. Within the Church are relics of the Martyrs St. Jean de Brebeuf, St. Gabriel Lamont and St. Charles Garnier. The bus will leave St. Mary’s Cathedral at 6:00 am sharp with pick-up stops at St. Joseph’s Church in Kingston and in Napanee and Belleville. Father Shawn will celebrate Mass at St. Ignace, the site of the martyrdom of the Jesuits. Also included are a guided tour of the Shrine, outdoor Stations of the Cross, a visit to Sainte Marie Among the Hurons, plus an opportunity to take time to enter into prayer in a tranquil setting or to visit the Shrine museum and archives before departing for home. Expected arrival time back in Kingston is10 pm. Cost, excluding meals, is $80 per person with transportation by Franklin deluxe coach. Washroom on board. For reservations and payment or for more information, please contact Ann Lyng at [email protected] or 613-572-4892. Please join us