with the Liturgy of the Easter Vigil and ends with Evening Prayer of the
Pentecost. It is a festive season of 50 days, during which the Church celebrates and
reflects on the Paschal Mystery of our
Lord. Easter Sunday always comes on the first Sunday after the first full moon,
after the vernal (new) equinox. According to some scholars, the word Easter
comes from the English word meaning east, the direction of the rising
sun. In some languages Easter literally means the great day/ night. In many other means “passing over from death to new life”: Latin-Pascha, Greek- Paskha, French- Pâques, Easter Season reveals to us the meaning of Christ’s resurrection
and calls us to recognize the Risen Lord among us today, and follow Him as a
community of disciples.
CCCB 2021 Pentecost Message to Catholic Movements and Associations