279 Johnson Street
Time available:
Wednesdays 7:00pm-9:00pm; Confessions will be heard in the cathedral. Fr. Shawn will be seated on the Tabernacle side at the back. He asks you use the kneeler two pews back from where he is seated. Enter from the regular front door.
Fridays 5:00pm-6:30pm; Confessions will be heard in St. James Chapel. Use the kneeler two pews back from whether Father is seated. Line up at the sign outside. If the inside door is open, feel free to enter. If it is closed, there is someone in there so please wait until they exit.
Saturdays 4:00pm-4:50pm; Confessions will be heard in the cathedral. Fr. Shawn will be seated on the Tabernacle side at the back. He asks you use the kneeler two pews back from where he is seated. Enter from the regular front door.
392 Palace Rd
Time availability: Saturdays 4:30pm-5:00pm. Other times by appointment (613) 547-5004
Confessions will be heard in the church, parishioner and pastor seated 6-8 feet apart.
1111 Taylor Kidd Blvd
Time available: By appointment. Please call (613) 389-8222
Confessions can be heard in one of the following manners:
2905 Westport Rd, RR2 Godfrey
Times available: By appointment. Please call Fr. Cyprian at (613)398-6745
Confessions are held in drive-through fashion. Father will hear confessions from the deck while the penitent remains in the car.
296 Church St.
Time available: Every day: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, 5:00pm - 6:00 pm.
Confessions are heard from the window of the parish office. People may drive up, roll down their car window and confess to the priest who is at the window at distance of 6 to 8 feet.
66 Church St
Time availability: Saturdays from 3:00pm-4:00pm
Confessions can be heard in the rectory front vestibule. Priest and penitent separated by the closed front door and speak through an open mail slot. The penitent wipes down prie dieu after confession.
4118 County Road 4
Time availability: Saturdays 4:00pm-5:00pm. Other times by appointment: Contact Fr. Stéphane's cell by text or call at (613)214-9154
Confessions are heard behind the church by the path leading to the cemetery, beside the old rectory.
Come with your car and park parallel to Fr. Stéphane's (brown-sugar coloured Toyota Corolla), your passenger's door next to my driver's side. Lower your window, turn off your engine, and the confession begins. If you have other people in the car, you can park away and stand 6 feet apart from Father's car.
Message from Fr. Stéphane: I wear a scarf over my eyes. Tell me to remove it if you do not want to preserve your anonymity.
6046 County Road 41
Time availability: Saturdays 1:00pm-2:00pm. Other times by appointment: Contact Fr. Stéphane's cell by text or call at (613)214-9154
Confessions are heard by the shade of the trees on one side of the parking lot 6 feet apart.
Come with your car and park parallel to Fr. Stéphane's (brown-sugar coloured Toyota Corolla), your passenger's door next to my driver's side. Lower your window, turn off your engine, and the confession begins. If you have other people in the car, you can park away and stand 6 feet apart from Father's car.
Message from Fr. Stéphane: I wear a scarf over my eyes. Tell me to remove it if you do not want to preserve your anonymity.
503 Clothier St W
Time availability: By appointment.
Confessions can be heard with penitents remaining in their car, with the pastor seated 6-8 feet away.
Soon drive-through format will be available from the portico entrance. To be confirmed.
7288 Old Highway 2
Times available: Fridays and Saturday, from 3:00pm-4:00pm.
Those wishing to receive can pull into the parking lot on the East side of the church, drive around the back of the church when the way is clear, and they will find Fr. Zambon in his vehicle parked between the church and the rectory, ready to hear their Confession.
38 Wilson St. E
Time available: By appointment. Please call Fr. Brian McNally (613) 464-2908
Confessions can be held on lawn outside the Rectory at suitable distance.
17 Elmsley St N
Time availability: By appointment. Contact parish office (613) 283-0220
Confessions can be heard in the church, penitent and pastor sitting 6 feet apart, in the parking lot, or strolling confessions in the church grounds.